Mapped Properties Refine Your Search Any Date Modified / Added Modified / Added Today Modified / Added Yesterday Modified / Added Past 7 Days Modified / Added Past 30 Days Any Property Status Auction Conditionally Sold For Lease For Rent For Sale Sub-Lease Minimum Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 Maximum Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 Minimum Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Minimum Bathrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum Bathrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Any Property Type Commercial Cottage Farm Multi Family Multi-Unit New Home Residential Rural and Environmental Constraint Rural Residential Single Family Vacant Land Waterfront Any Home Style 1 1/2 Storey 1 3/4 Storey 1 Storey 1 Storey Raised 1 Storey/Apt 2 Level 2 Level (split) 2 or more storeys 2 Storey 2.5 Storey 3 Level 3 Level (split) 3 Storey 4 Level 4 Level (split) 5 Level 5 Level (split) Apartment Apartment Hi-Rise Apartment Low-Rise Bachelor/Studio Back Split Bi-Level Bungalow Bungalow / Ranch Camp Cape Cod Carriage Chalet Commercial Condo Contemporary Cottage Cottage/Camp Detached Duplex Duplex (Side) Duplex (Up/Down) Dwelling w/Accessory Apartment Farm Fourplex Freehold Garden House Linked / Attached Loft Log Mini Mobile Home Modular Multi-level None Other Raised Bungalow Raised Ranch Ranch Recreational Restaurant Row Unit Semi-Detached Side By Side Side Split Split Entry Timeshare Townhouse Triplex Viceroy Victorian Warehouse Near Any Lake / River 12 Mile Lake Ada Lake Ahmic Lake Aikman Lake Ainslie Lake Allen Lake Angle Lake Armishaw Lake Arthurs Atkins Lake Austin Lake Axe Creek Axe Lake Baby Lake Bain Lake Baker Lake Ballantyne's Creek Balsam Lake Baptiste Lake Bark Lake Barnum Lake Barnums Creek Barry Lake Bartlett Lake Bass Lake Basshaunt Lake Bastedo Lake Bat Lake Bay Lake Bay of Quinte Bayshore Pond Bear Lake Bearpaw Lake Beattie Lake Beatty Creek Beaver Lagoon Beaver Lake Beech Lake Beech River Beggsboro Creek Bella Lake Ben Lake Benoir Lake Bernard Lake Bidwell Lake Big Bald Lake Big Barnum Lake Big Bob Lake Big Boshkung Lake Big Brothers Lake Big Caribou Lake Big Clam Lake Big Doe Lake Big East Lagoon River Big East River Big Glamor Lake Big Hawk Lake Big Lake Big Mink Lake Big Redstone Lake Big Straggle Lake Big Whitefish Lake Bigwind Lake Billings Lake Birchy Lake Bird Lake Bitter Lake Bittern Lake Black Creek Black Lake Black River Blackstone Lake Blue Hawk Lake Blue Lake Bob Lake Bond Lake Bonham Lake Boshkung Lake Boyne Lake Boyne River Brady Lake Brandy Lake Bray Lake Brimson Lake Brock Lake Bruce Lake Brunne Lake Buck Lake Buck River Buckhorn Lake Buckskin Lake Buckslide Lake Burdock Lake Burnt River Bushwolf Lake Butterfly Lake Camel Lake Cameron Lake Canal Lake Canning Lake Canoe Lagoon Canoe Lake Cardiff Lake Cardwell Lake Caribou Lake Carr's Lake Cashman Creek Cassels Lake Cat Lake Cecebe Lake Cedar Lagoon Cedar Lake Charlie George Lake Chartier Lake Cheer Lake Cherry Island Lake Cheryl Lake Chub Lake Clam Lake Clark Lake Clear Lake Clearwater Lake Clement Lake Clinto Lake Cockle Lake Colbourne Lake Coldwater Lake Coldwater River Coleman Lake Commanda Creek Commanda Lake Compass Lake Conley Lake Contau Lake Cornall Lake Cowan Lake Cranberry Lake Crane Lake Crawford Lake Crego Lake Crown Lake Crozier Lake Cruiser Lake Crystal Lake Culin Lake Dalrymple Lake Dark Lake Davis Lake Deer Lake Denna Lake Devil Lake Devils Lake Diamond Lake Dickie Lake Distress River Doe Lake Dollars Lake Dotty Lake Drag Lake Drag River Duck Lake Dudley Bay Dyson Lake Eagle Lake East Lake East Moore Lake Echo Lake Eels Creek Eels Lake Elephant Lake Emsdale Lake Esson Creek Esson Lake Fairy Lake Faraday Lake Farquhar Lake Fawn Lake First Lake Fischer Lake Fish Lake Fisher Creek Fisher Lake Fishtail Lake Fitzell Fletcher Lake Foote Lake Forest Lake Fortescue Lake Fortesque Lake Fortesque River Four Mile Lake Fourteen Lake Fowler Lake Fox Lake Foxtail River Frau Lake French River Gem Lake Genesee Lake Georgian Bay Georgian Lake Gibson Lake Gibson River Gilbank Lake Gilleach Lake Glamor Lake Glen Lake Gloucester Pool Go Home Lake Golden City Lake Gondola Lagoon Gooderham Lake Goose Lake Grace Lake Grace River Grandview Lake Grass Lake Green Lake Green River Greens Lake Grindstone Lake Grossman Lake Groves Lake Growler Lake Guilford Lake Gull Lake Gull River Gullwing Lake Haas Haggart Lake Halfway Lake Haliburton Lake Halls Lake Hamer Lake Hammer Lake Hampel Lake Harbour Lagoon Harding Lake Hardwood Lake Harp Lake Harris Lake Harvey Lake Hassard Lake Havelock Lake Hawk Lake Hazard Lake Head Lake Head River Healey Lake Heart Lake Heeney Lake Heney Lake Henshaw Lake Herb Lake Herridge Lake Hesners Lake High Lake Hillman Lake Himbury Lake Hog Lake Hollow Lake Hollow River Holly Dog Lake Horn Lake Horseshoe Lake Howard Lake Howland Lake Hudson Lake Hughes Lake Hunters Bay Hurricane Lake Indian River Iron Lake Irondale Creek Irondale River Isabella Lake Island Lake Jack Lake Jack's Lake Jacks Lake Jay Lake Jenkins Creek Jessop Lake Jim Beef Lake Jingo Lake Joe River Joly Lake Jordan Lake Joseph River Julius Lake Kabakwa Lake Kahshe Lake Kahshe River Kamaniskeg Lake Kapikog Lake Kashagawigamog Lake Kasshabog Lake Kawagama Lake Kawawaymog Lake Kawigamog Lake Kay's Lake Kaye Lake Kelsey Lake Kendrick Creek Kennaway Lake Kennisis Lake Kennisis River King Lake Kingscote River Koshlong Lake Kushog Lake Labrash Lake Lagoon City Lake Armishaw Lake Bernard Lake Couchiching Lake Dalrymple Lake Joseph Lake Muskoka Lake Nipissing Lake Nosbonsing Lake of Bays Lake of Two Suns Lake Rosseau Lake Simcoe Lake St. George Lake St. John Lake St. Peter Lake Temagami Lake Vernon Lake Waseosa Lasseter Lake Le Grou Lake Leech Lake Leeward Lagoon Legrou Lake Leonard Lake Limestone Lake Lipsy Lake Little Art Lake Little Beaver Lake Little Birchy Lake Little Bob Lake Little Boshkung Lake Little Burdock Lake Little Cameron Lake Little Cardiff Lake Little Clam Lake Little Cruiser Lake Little Doe Lake Little Drag River Little East River Little Echo Creek Little Esson Lake Little Farquhar Lake Little Glamor Lake Little Gull Lake Little Hawk Lake Little Hindon Lake Little Kennisis Lake Little Lake Little Lake Joseph Little Long Lake Little Marten Lake Little Orillia Lake Little Partridge Lake Little Rabbit Lake Little Redstone Lake Little Straggle Lake Little Whitefish Lake Livingstone Lake Long Lake Long Line Lake Longline Lake Longs Lake Loom Lake Loon Lake Lorraine Lake Lost Lake Louis Lake Lower Cardiff Lake Lower Monmouth Lake Lower Welch Lake Lucy Lake Lynx Lake MacDonalds Creek Maclean Lake Madawaska Lake Maeck Lake Maganetawana Lake Magnetawan Lake Magnetawan River Mainhood Lake Manitouwaba Lake Manitouwabing Lake Maple Lake Marigold Lake Marion Lake Marsh Lake Marten Lake Marten River Martin Lake Mary Lake Mason Lake Mattawa Lake McCue Creek McCue Lake McFarlane Lake McKay Lake McKechnie Lake McKellar Lake McQuaby Lake McTaggert Lake Meadow Lake Medora Lake Memesagamesing Lake Menominee Lake Midlothian Lake Mill Lake Miller Lake Minden Lake Miner`s Lake Mink Lake Minnicock Lake Mirage Lake Mirror Lake Miserable Lake Miskwabi Lake Monck Lake Monmouth Lake Monrock Lake Moon Creek Moon River Moonstone Creek Moore Lake Moose Creek Moose Lake Moot Lake Morrison Creek Morrison Lake Mountain Basin Lake Mountain Lake Muldrew Lake Muskoka River Musquash River Mutton Lake Myers Lake Negaunee Lake Neighick Lake Newell Lake Nine Mile Lake Nipissing Lake Nogies Lake North Channel North Dotty Lake North Otter Lake North Pencil Lake North Pigeon Lake North River Nottawasaga River Nulty Lake Nutt Lake Oaster Lake Obabika Lake Oblong Lake Old Man's Lake Onawa Lake Onawaw Lake Ottawa River Otter Creek Otter Lake Oudaze Lake Oudekirk Lake Outlet Bay Owl Lake Oxbow Lake Oxtongue Lake Oxtongue River Paddy's Bay Paint Lake Paisley Lake Palette Lake Pallett Lake Paradise Lake Paradox Lake Paudash Lake Peach Lake Pelaw Lake Pelaw River Pell Lake Pen Lake Pencil Lake Peninsula Lake Pennisula Lake Perbeth Lake Percy Lake Perrcys Creek Perry Lake Peters Lake Picadilly Bay Pickerel Lake Pickerel River Pigeon Bay Lake Pigeon Lake Pike Lagoon Pine Lake Pivot Lake Pockett Lake Pool Lake Portage Lake Potter's Pond Poverty Bay Powderhorn Lake Private Lake Prospect Lake Proudfoot Lake Quirke Lake Rabbit Lake Rackety Creek Ranger Bay Rat Lake Rausch Lake Raven Lake Reay Lake Rebecca Lake Red Cedar Lake Red Pine Lake Redstone Lake Redstone River Restoule Lake Rice Lake Richmond Lake Rickets Lake Ril Lake Riley Lake Ripple Lake Ritchie Creek Roberts Bay Roberts Lake Rock Lake Ross Lake Rosseau River Round Lake Ruby Lake Rush Creek Rush Lake Ruth Lake Ryan Lake Ryde Lake Ryder Lake Sag Lake Sage Creek Salerno Creek Salerno Lake Salmon Lake Sam's Lake Sand Lake Saskatchewan Lake Sausage Lake Sawyer Lake Scraggy Lake Seagull Lake Seguin River Severn River Shadow Creek Shadow Lake Shadow River Sharon Lake Shawanaga Lake Shebeshekong Lake Sherborne Lake Shoe Lake Siding Lake Silver Lake Silver Sand Lake Silver Sands Lake Simmons Lake Six Mile Lake Skeleton Lake Skeleton River Skin Lake Smoke Lake Source Lake South Beaver Lake South Branch Muskoka River South Lake South Muskoka River Bay South River Soyers Lake Spar Lake Sparks Lake Sparrow Lake Spence Lake Spring Lake Spruce Lake St. John Lake St. Johns Creek St. Nora Lake Stanley Lake Star Lake Sterling Creek Stewart Lake Still Lake Stills Lake Stirling Creek Stoney Lake Stormy Lake Sturgeon Lake Sucker Lake Sunny Lake Tackaberry Lake Tamarack Lake Tarrant Lake Tasso Lake Tea Lake Tedious Lake Teds Lake Thirteen Mile Lake Thompson Lake Thorne Lake Three Mile Lake Tilden Lake Toad Lake Torch Lake Toronto Lake Tory Lake Trent Canal Trent Severn Waterway Trooper Lake Trout Lake Troutspawn Lake Tucker Lake Turtle Lagoon Turtle Lake Twelve Mile Lake Two Islands Lake Upper Harris Lake Vernon Lake Vernon Narrows Wahwashkesh Lake Walker Lake Walkers Lake Walkers Pond Waquimakog Lake Wasi Lake Wauquimakog Lake Weismuller Lake Welch Lake Wendigo Lake Wenona Lake West Lake Whalley Lake White Lake Whitefish Lake Whitestone Lake Whitestone River Wilbermere Lake Wildcat Lake Wiley Lake Wilson Lake Windward Lagoon Wolf River Wolfe Lake Wolfish Lake Wood Lake Woods Bay Wren Lake York River Young's Lake Any Lot Size Under 0.5 Acres 0.5 - 0.99 Acres 1.0 - 2.99 Acres 3.0 - 9.99 Acres 10.0 - 49.99 Acres 50 - 100 Acres Over 100 Acres Find Properties Near YouOnly show waterfront properties Loading...